Schmoozing Jennifer: Part One

Venkman putting his moves on Jennifer.

As the male students marches angrily out of the lab, soft music begins to play as Peter Venkman, seating himself beside Jennifer, places one hand across her back and another on her forearm in an attempt to comfort her.

Venkman: “You may as well get used to that, that’s the kind of resentment that your ability is going to provoke in some people.”

Venkman is closing in for the kill, using kindness as a foil to groom his prey. Like I’ve mentioned already, Ghostbusters has unusual ingredients for a film widely perceived as one for all the family. Still, it’s funny black humour, though clearly targeting a younger male-demographic.

Jennifer: “Do you think I have it, Dr. Venkman?”

Asks Jennifer, with sincerity. She seems all-the-more vulnerable to us now that she is alone with Venkman. In his response, Venkman briefly pauses before he says…

Venkman: “You’re no fluke, Jennifer.”

Words by Gareth Rhodes.