Back to the Library

The New York Public Library entrance.

This scene begins with another establishing shot of the New York Public Library, accompanied by playful, haunted house style piano-led music. Part of the entrance is blocked by scaffolding – something the director would have preferred not to be there. We then cut to Venkman and Stantz walking side-by-side up the library steps. Venkman is berating Stantz over his belief in the paranormal.

Venkman: “As a friend I have to tell you: you’ve finally gone round the bend on this ghost business. You guys have been running your ass off meeting and greeting every schizo in the five boroughs who says he has a paranormal experience. What have you seen?”

So our assumptions are correct. Venkman confirms that he has no belief in the paranormal. Clearly, Stantz & Spengler have spent much time investigating potential leads, whereas Venkman has not. We learn here (though we already guessed it from the opening scene), that Venkman is a casual backseat passenger in Stantz and Spengler’s drive for ghost research. He doesn’t take it or them seriously, yet, it somehow suits him to play along…possibly it allows him other opportunities, like the one he took with Jennifer in the previous scene.

Trivia: Venkman’s referral to “the five boroughs” covers Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, and Staten Island.

Words by Gareth Rhodes.

Dr. Raymond Stantz

Dr. Raymond Stantz, the excitable puppy of the Ghostbusters.

Just as Peter Venkman is getting close to an intimate moment with Jennifer, Dr. Raymond Stantz (Dan Ackroyd) bursts excitedly into the room announcing…

Ray Stantz: “This is it! This is definitely it! Did those UV lenses come in for the video camera? And that blank tape? I need it. The one you erased yesterday.”

The mood is ruined. Such is Stantz’s enthusiasm, he doesn’t apologise for bursting in or even seem to care that he might be interrupting Venkman. As Stantz begins to grab equipment from shelves in the lab, Venkman appears unexcited, remaining seated next to Jennifer before eventually saying to her…

Venkman: “Can you excuse me for a second?”

Jennifer: “Sure”

Venkman gingerly gets up from his seat, sneaking up to Ray, and with a jump, air-slaps him over the the top of the head while saying in with a half-suppressed shout…

Venkman: “I’m right in the middle of something, Ray!”

As he does this, Venkman looks back at Jennifer, suddenly aware that he might have looked too animated in his annoyance of being so rudely interrupted, in the eyes of Jennifer. He retreats somewhat by saying more calmly to Ray…

Venkman: “Ah, I need a little more time with this subject. Could you come back in an hour, hour and a half?”

Venkman stands closely to Stantz as she says this, giving him an intense look with his eyes, as if to communicate the hidden reason behind the reason. Ignoring Venkman’s direct request, Stantz launches excitedly into explaining himself…

Ray Stantz: “Peter, at 1:40 PM at the main branch of the New York Public Library on Fifth Avenue, ten people witnessed a free floating, full torso, vaporous apparition. It blew books off shelves from twenty feet away and scared the socks off some poor librarian!”

Ghostbusters is co-written and conceived by Dan Ackroyd and his co-star Harold Ramis. Ackroyd, a talented comedy actor, plays the role of the tactless geek with genuine understanding. He’s the excited puppy of the team, as his introduction demonstrates.

Dr. Stantz is referring to the librarian, form this we learn that she is still alive, despite her frightening encounter. We also learn there have been numerous other witnesses. The line – “free floating, full torso, vaporous apparitionhas become one of the many classic quotes among fans of the film. It’s funny that the men have two opposing agendas here. Venkman responds…

Venkman: “I’m very excited. I’m very pleased. I want you to get right down there, check it out and get back to me.”

So far, Venkman hasn’t said a genuine thing to anyone. As he says the line in his distinctively dry, deadpan tone, his response reveals how little investment he has in his work. Ray’s revelations mean nothing to Venkman. He doesn’t seem to believe or care. It’s like he’s heard it all before from Ray.

Ray Stantz: “No, no.”

Venkman: “Get right back to me…”

Ray Stantz: “You’re coming with us on this one! Spengler went down there and took PKE valances. Went right off the top of the scale. Buried the needle! We’re close on this one. I can feel it!

Venkman appears to be fighting a losing battle against Ray’s determined enthusiasm. Ray mentions Spengler, the third member of the team who has already found his way to the library to take readings on his P.K.E meter (Psychokinetic Energy Meter). Ray Stantz’s belief in the paranormal is complete, and for now, it has brought an end to Venkman’s fraudulent pursuit of Jennifer. The audience feel it’s the least he deserves.

Ray brushes past Venkman, certain in his mind. Venkman stands for a second and says to himself…

Venkman: “I can feel it. We’re very, very close.”

We surmise that Venkman’s meaning of “we’re very, close” alludes to his encounter with Jennifer, as opposed to anything Ray has said.

Peter steps back to Jennifer who is still seated, sitting down to face her saying…

Venkman: “I have to go now, Jennifer, but I’d like to work with you some more. Perhaps you could come back this evening, say at -“

Before Venkman can say anymore…Jennifer finishes his sentence by saying…

Jennifer: “Eight o’clock?

Venkman: “I was just about to say eight o’clock! You are a legitimate phenomenon!”

Jennifer plays right into Venkman’s quick-witted hands. This man doesn’t miss a trick. Bill Murray’s timing is brilliantly sharp. From this scene, we discover how well-honed and knowing Ramis & Ackroyd’s script is.

GHOSTBUSTERS, Bill Murray, Jennifer Runyon, 1984.
Dr. Venkman makes a date with Jennifer.

Words by Gareth Rhodes.