Floating Books


As the librarian enters the dimly downlit basement with an armful of books, an ominous oboe gives way to the sound of the theremin as the camera prowls behind a lone Alice Drummond. This gives us the unsettling sense of her being followed to an isolated place, which increases her vulnerability and heightens tension. The corridors of the basement are maze-like and there are no other people around. As she turns one of the many tight corners to return a book, the camera halts as she moves further down the aisle. Then, unknown to her but witnessed by the audience, two or three books begin to float from shelf-to-shelf. At once, she glances to her side, seemingly having caught half-sight of something in her peripherial field of vision, but returns to her work. It’s a simple, but effective use of practical effects to thicken the sense of danger and intrigue.

Trivia: The library basement scenes were filmed at the Los Angeles public library.

Words by Gareth Rhodes.

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Full-time lover of all things creative.

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